
Megaman battle network 6 version differences
Megaman battle network 6 version differences

Enemies on Ice panels no longer take double damage from Elec attacks, but now get the freeze status effect (a condition from the first game) when hit with an Aqua attack. Various effects have been changed from the previous installments. He can remove Tornado and Cloud obstacles on the Net. Press, and is in charge of recycling the trash throughout the Net. DustMan is the Break-element NetNavi of Mr.He can remove Water and Tree obstacles on the Net. He aids Moliarty in his work by drilling through rocks and other obstacles throughout the Net. GroundMan is the Break-element NetNavi of Moliarty.He can remove Cloud and Tree obstacles on the Net. This time, the Wood-element NetNavi assists Dingo in introducing people to the cultures of his home town. TomahawkMan returns from Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel, still operated by Dingo.He can remove Fire and Tornado obstacles on the Net.

megaman battle network 6 version differences

He helps out Feng-Tian's apprentices master the use of the Wind. TenguMan is the NetNavi of Master Feng-Tian.He can remove Water and Fire obstacles on the Net. This Aqua NetNavi helps Shuko with her part-time job at the aquarium, which she takes up in order to support her brothers, and is Lan's first Link Navi in the Falzar version. AquaMan ( SpoutMan) returns from Mega Man Battle Network 4: Blue Moon, once again operated by Shuko Kido.He runs a railway express through the Net, transporting goods and Navis. ChargeMan is the Fire-element NetNavi of Al Ferry.He can remove Water and Cloud obstacles on the Net. He and Dark Scythe are assassins, having been trained by Dusk, operator of ShadowMan. EraseMan is the Cursor-element NetNavi of Dark Scyth.The Elec-element NetNavi makes up for the crimes committed whilst he was in the World Three organization by maintaining the lighting in Sky Area. ElecMan returns from the first Mega Man Battle Network, this time operated by Count Zap's wife, Ann Zap.He can remove Tree and Tornado obstacles on the Net. He helps Pat gather ingredients and in her cooking, using his giant claws as knives. SlashMan is the Sword-element NetNavi of Pat Fahran.He can remove Fire and Tree obstacles on the Net. He is Lan's first Link Navi in the Gregar version. Match, who now works as a new teacher in Cyber City. HeatMan returns from Mega Man Battle Network 2 as the Fire-element NetNavi of Mr.Except for Custom 1, Mega Folder 1 and Giga Folder 1, Navi Customizer programs are disabled. Their maximum HP increases by 100 as the story progresses, with a max of 800 HP. Each Link Navi can remove specific obstacles in the internet, has their own Charge Shot, and one exclusive Battle Chip. Link Navis ( リンクナビ, Rinku Nabi ) are NetNavis of other characters that Lan can operate.

megaman battle network 6 version differences

In a NetBattle, Lan and MegaMan make a powerful team. MegaMan is Lan's NetNavi, a virtual person who can explore the second reality that the Internet has become.He's already saved the world 5 times from Net mafias. Lan's grades aren't the best, but his Virus Busting skills are top notch. Lan Hikari, a 6th-grader who just moved from ACDC Town to Cyber City.Take care!" And with that, with Lan waving from the back seat, his parent's car heads off for Cyber City where a host of new Adventures awaits.Ġ7 October 2008 Playable characters Main "We'll see each other again, and I'll definitely be back someday! So, don't cry.(sniffle)" "I'm sorry.I told myself I wouldn't cry." "Lan, I.was just thinking how great it would be if we could graduate from elementary school together, and then go to junior high school together. The next Sunday.with everything packed and ready to move, Lan's friends gather around him. To the class, Lan explains, ".Um, my Dad got transferred, so my family has to move. "One of your fellow classmates is moving to another school," she says, calling Lan to the front of the class. Mari, Lan's Teacher, tells the class she has sad news. Graduation from elementary school seems to be right around the corner. Lan has since returned to his normal daily life, hanging out with all his friends. Regal, the leader of the Dark Chip Syndicate " Nebula", have come to a screeching halt, and peace has been restored to the world once again. Thanks to Lan Hikari's efforts, the evil aspirations of Dr.


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Megaman battle network 6 version differences